7 marzo 20253rd Edition of the World Summit on Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science (WSAASS-2025)

Dubai, UAE, October 20-22, 2025

Dear Esteemed Participants,

On behalf of the organizing committee, I welcome you all to the 3rd Edition of the World Summit on Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science (WSAASS-2025), to be held in Dubai, UAE, October 20-22, 2025.

I am pleased to serve as a Conference Chair for this event, which promises to bring together leading minds, innovative research and cutting-edge technologies from across the globe.

As a brief introduction, my journey in microgravity STEM, space exploration, science payloads, astronaut training and operations spans almost four decades. The zero-G research, engineering and test campaigns which I have organized and conducted from 1989 onward, both underwater and on weightless flights, to support the development of the NASA, ESA and Russian segments of the International Space Station have been marked by an extraordinary chapter in the year 2000 when I was proposed as the history-first private Cosmonaut-Engineer candidate by the U.S.-Russian group MIR Corp. This initiative marked the beginning of human access to microgravity beyond traditional governmental agencies and was showcased by several record-breaking missions which I flew at NASA with a systematic engagement of the general public aboard pioneering flight campaigns of the SpaceLand program. Such initiatives spearheaded the dawn of the commercial space economy era, thanks to a holistic approach which included the first series of non-governmental zero-gravity STEM R&D missions made accessible to everyone, launching from the NASA Space Shuttle facility at Cape Canaveral. Including biomed research on behalf of a Nobel Prize Laureate, such novel endeavors have deepened my lifelong commitment to advancing the boundaries of science, technology, and exploration, which has been enshrined in the ongoing development of the game-changing "SpaceLand City" in Mauritius. The ultimate goal of my work is to democratize access to Moon-gravity, Ma   dettaglio

4 -Mars/Lunar & Zero-Gravity flights with techno-bio-science experiments !

4 -Mars/Lunar & Zero-Gravity flights with techno-bio-science experiments !

Lunar-G and Zero-G Flights !

Check this ! https://youtu.be/ywHjSqZux2s JOIN our next FLIGHT MISSION with TRAINING and TAKE-OFF at the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Florida: download, fill in, sign and send the application form (which you can find in this page) to SpaceLand @ SpaceLand.it ! https://www.goamerica.it/viaggi/go-world-universe-viaggio-nello-spazio-in-assenza-di-gravita/ SpaceLand© is showcasing a new model for Space business: merging public engagement in Space with microgravity research. coupling ground with flight activities, techno-scientific research and test opportunities in weightlessness are mixed with science edutainment and aerospace tourism open to the general public, in several Countries and through several ad-hoc facilities. It capitalizes on SpaceLand’s legacy on board parabolic flights from the NASA Space Shuttle L.F with ICT and biomed payloads operated together with the world’s youngest (11-yr-old Kim Marco Viberti), world’s oldest (93-yr-old Cesare Massano) and first 100% disabled person (Elma Schippa, in April 2005) test subjects for 0-G R&D, also for research groups led by a Nobel-Prize-winner. This novel multi-faceted business provides much-needed novel flight services, generates new jobs and socio-economic stimuli for the involved territories: such goals are facilitated thanks to a first network of ground Centers of Excellence for microgravity STEMM (Techno-Sciences, Engineering, Math & Medicine), including R&D, Education and Tourism initiatives through up to six parabolic flight platforms on board the world's largest single-aisle aircrafts modified to fly as new Mars-gravity, Moon-gravity, Zero-gravity vehicles, also serving as aero-launch platform for rockets, world-wide. For the ground segment, people and payloads get prepared at SpaceLand Centers, where proprietary underwater and ground-based microgravity facilities and laboratories can be utilized within immersive "Mars-base-like” environments, before boarding flight missions at the world's lowest cost per parabolic flight seat, for up to 30 minutes of cumulative Mars-gravity time. The flight segment also includes aero-launch services from such aircrafts also serving as first stage for rockets to be aero-launched from the high troposphere. The ground segment has already been presented at United Nations' level even by a well-known scientist in her capacity as Head of State of one of the Countries involved, for Africa: see https://youtu.be/2RthuFMcdfg. This multi-disciplinary business approach showcases an actual democratization of Space, providing large ROI to shareholders and enabling almost everybody to access Space-related techno-scientific or touristic services without those hundreds of thousand dollars-minimum price-tags charged by space-moguls for short sub-orbital joyrides: the societal relevance for such a transformative “Space for All” approach is deemed not to be negligible also for Governments, insofar as this business concept can aggregate knowledge and passion with hand-on tools triggering progress and innovation in technology, sciences and biomedicine, thanks to the uniqueness of weightlessness, while also inspiring young generations for STEMM and future-facing planetary exploration, bringing anybody at the edge of Space

R&D for the Nobel Prize winner

R&D for the Nobel Prize winner

R&D for the Nobel Prize winner

11-yr-old Kim Marco Viberti flying for Alzheimer-related tests

11-yr-old Kim Marco Viberti flying for Alzheimer-related tests

A kid in weightlessness for Nobel-Prize-winner-led R&D on Alzheimer

Leveraging Microgravity to Unlock the Underlying Causes of Neurodegenerative Diseases: every six minutes, someone is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, a progressive neurological disorder that can affect movement. Similar statistics apply to Alzheimer and an estimated 200 people are diagnosed each week with multiple sclerosis, a progressive neurological disease that affects the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. To better understand the mechanisms behind these and other neurodegenerative diseases, researchers are leveraging the SpaceLand flying laboratory. The microgravity environment may reveal new insights into how brain cells interact, and results from this research could ultimately lead to improved diagnostics and new therapeutics that would benefit millions of people worldwide. Promising results have been proven during the first flights by SpaceLand with 11 year old Kim Marco Viberti and several laypersons from 18 to 93 years of age, conducted also on behalf of the winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine Rita Levi Montalcini. Further details by Google-search with key words: "Kim Marco Viberti Nobel Prize microgravity"

Training and flights at the edge of knowledge

Training and flights at the edge of knowledge

Training & Flights

All the phases on ground and underwater to become a SpaceLander and get prepared for an application to an astronaut job for techno-science or space tourism purposes

 SpaceLand Center presented at the U.N.

SpaceLand Center presented at the U.N.

UNITED NATIONS - SpaceLand Center

Italy represented by SpaceLand

Research & Development

Research & Development

Research & Development

SpaceLand Center

SpaceLand Center

SpaceLand Center

SpaceLand City

SpaceLand City

SpaceLand City

TV & media productions

TV & media productions

TV & media productions

Breaking News

9 ottobre 2023MONTECARLO calls SpaceLand

The Principality of Monaco organizes a week of key-notes to present SpaceLand Spaceports worldwide

Montecarlo invites SpaceLand !

A week-long series of events within the ELEVATE MONTECARLO conference, with many details provided about the novel network of public Spaceports which SpaceLand is definining world-wide

JOIN US into the new SPACE ECONOMY ! Fly with us in Moon-gravity and Mars-gravity in less than 45 days from now ! Email to SpaceLand at SpaceLand.it !

Allegati: Operational scenario

Viberti in Calabria per allenarsi in vista di nuove missioni nello spazio

Viberti in Calabria per allenarsi in vista di nuove missioni nello spazio

1 ottobre 2020Veterano voli NASA / ESA Viberti in Calabria per allenarsi in vista di nuove missioni nello spazio


L'ingegnere aerospaziale torinese si prepara ai prossimi voli e porta a Soverato il progetto “Spaceland“, agenzia spaziale privata che apre a tutti l’accesso allo spazio: «Valutiamo di creare qui un centro di addestramento»

Ha scelto Soverato per le sue sessioni di addestramento psico-fisico di terra e subacqueo in vista dei nuovi voli in microgravità, l’ingegnere aerospaziale torinese Carlo Viberti, alla continua ricerca di ambienti che possano simulare le condizioni   dettaglio

7 aprile 2020COVID 19

Microgravity for new vaccine ?

The upcoming SpaceLand City in Mauritius is being designed by the SpaceLand Engineering team led by Architect Celeste Petraroli (former design supervisor of the international mass media facilities for the Olympic Games of Torino 2006) with special emphasis on low-gravity technologies as well as regenerative biomedicine, anti-ageing pharmacology and three-dimensional biomanufacturing only possible in weightlessness: at the edge of science-fiction, SpaceLand City also means new vaccins, proteins.   dettaglio

11 marzo 2020IAF & UNITED NATIONS invite SpaceLand !

search Carlo Viberti on

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