Science, Technology, School, University


Microgravity for new vaccine ?

7 aprile 2020
The upcoming SpaceLand City in Mauritius is being designed by the SpaceLand Engineering team led by Architect Celeste Petraroli (former design supervisor of the international mass media facilities for the Olympic Games of Torino 2006) with special emphasis on low-gravity technologies as well as regenerative biomedicine, anti-ageing pharmacology and three-dimensional biomanufacturing only possible in weightlessness: at the edge of science-fiction, SpaceLand City also means new vaccins, proteins. alloys, robotic applications, bio-compatible artificial issues and human organs, setting new standards for knowledge and life-extension therapies, revolutionizing the world of techno-science and generating large revenues for shareholders, starting from the most important three-dimensional in-vivo study in microgravity of macro-molecular RNA-messenger-based COVID 19 vaccine candidates.